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Notice - Legal information

The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision related to a financial instrument should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectus and the key information documents (KID) thereof.

Investors are advised to check the prospectus for the subscription conditions, including whether their country of residence is compatible with the product, and whether the legislation of their country of residence contains any other restrictions. The products distributed by CapitalatWork are registered in certain countries, including Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

The information contained on this website does not constitute a recommendation nor an investment advice.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior approval of the copyright holder.

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CapitalatWork Foyer Group

CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA, in her fonction as promotor, has developed a limited but complete and flexible family of investment compartments.

These compartments are the tools to implement the Capitalatwork investment philosophy, based on a consistent and well considered investment methodology, into a transparant investment process.

These compartments cover:

  • most if not all geographies – the Americas, Europe and Asia,
  • the main asset classes – cash, bonds, inflation-linkeds, equities, derivatives and long/shorts,
  • the main asset allocation strategies – defensive, balanced, dynamic, opportunistic and hedged.

CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella



1 year
3 years
5 years
1 year
3 years
5 years
Contrarian Equities at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 01.09.1998

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

The objective of this sub-fund is to offer its investors capital appreciation, mainly through investment in equities. The composition of the Sub-fund’s portfolio takes into account geographical risk diversification requirements.

The Sub-fund shall invest primarily, and at no time should this fall below two-thirds of the Sub-fund’s assets, in equities and other securities and participation rights of issuers from North America and Europe and, on an ancillary basis, issuers from other regions of the world. What these issuers all have in common is thatthey have generally been overlooked by the financial markets. This neglect is largely due to 1) a slowdown or fall in sales and/or profits or 2) uncertainties about the future. Such doubts lead to low prices but also high risk profiles.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets is limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets.

The sub-fund’s investments in bonds, on an ancillary basis, are limited to 5% of its net assets, including a maximum of 2% of net assets in high yield bonds.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investment restrictions to be observed are set out in the section entitled “Investment restrictions” in Part A of this Prospectus.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 5 years.

Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 5 years

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and youmay get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 4 out of 7, which is a medium-high riskclass.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a medium-highlevel, and poor market conditions will likely impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risksrelevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance,so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay youwhat is owed, you could lose your entire investment.

Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
2.91 %
3 months
cum. **
4.87 %
1 year
act. **
12.70 %
3 years
act. **
7.45 %
5 years
act. **
8.49 %
10 yrs
act. **
8.84 %
since inception
act. **
9.13 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 1,15%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 1,32% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,13%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
5% on the performance exceeding the annual target rate of return of 5 % ("hurdle rate") on the condition that the net asset value of the share class is higher than the net asset value used to calculate the last performance fee ("high watermark"). See details
ISIN LU0090697987
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
ESG Equities at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 07.02.2018

The product is a sub-fund of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

The aim of this sub-fund is to generate capital gains for investors by investing at least 80% of its assets in equities of companies regardless of their location. Companies are selected according to their financial attractiveness and on the basis of non-financial criteria that meet the SRI (socially responsible investment)requirements of CaW (CapitalatWork).

The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets is limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

The Investment Manager’s investment strategy primarily involves excluding controversial sectors and businesses and comparing companies according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. This methodology is subject to regular re-evaluation and is available at the following address:  .The Investment Manager’s use of this methodology does not lead to any specific costs to be borne by the sub-fund or investors.

The investment strategy does not involve holding a certain share of assets in sustainable investments as defined by article 2.17 of the SFDR. The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

In relation to Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, the sub-fund encourages environmental and social characteristics in particular. To this end, investment decisions are made on the basis of the companies’ non-financial features, which must meet the SRI (socially responsible investment) requirements of CapitalatWork.

Further information on the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the sub-fund can be found in Appendix I. A. of the Prospectus.

No geographical restrictions apply to the Sub-fund (with the exception of investments denominated in CNH). The direct or indirect use of indices in any form must also meet CapitalatWork’s proprietary SRI requirements. The common denominator linking these issuers is that they comply with CaW’s exclusive SRI requirements.

The Sub-fund will not engage in securities lending transactions.

Lastly, the Sub-fund may invest on an ancillary basis in debt securities issued by governments or private entities.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investment restrictions to be observed are set out in the section entitled “Investment Restrictions” in part A of this Prospectus.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 5 years.


Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 5 years.

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

 We have classified this product as 4 out of 7, which is a medium risk class.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a medium level, and poor market conditions could impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.


Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
3.78 %
3 months
cum. **
4.51 %
1 year
act. **
10.84 %
3 years
act. **
8.41 %
5 years
act. **
9.73 %
10 yrs
act. **
since inception
act. **
9.79 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee 1.00%
Exit fee 0.0%
Management fee Max. 1,15%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 1,30% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,22%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Sustainability related disclosure
Performance fee
5% on the performance exceeding the annual target rate of return of 5 % ("hurdle rate") on the condition that the net asset value of the share class is higher than the net asset value used to calculate the last performance fee ("high watermark"). See details
ISIN LU1667873787
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing
These financial products (classified as Article 8 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation) promote environmental and social characteristics. They are not classified as Article 9 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation and do not have sustainable investment as their objective.

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund

fixed income

1 year
3 years
5 years
1 year
3 years
5 years
Bonds at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 15.09.2000

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

This sub-fund shall consist mainly of fixed-income transferable securities, such as fixed and/or floating rate bonds, convertible bonds, corporate bonds, public authority bonds, sovereign bonds and supranational bonds issued by issuers of any nationality and denominated in any currency. At least 50% of the bonds inwhich the sub-fund invests have a financial rating of at least investment grade and a maximum of 20% of the bonds in which the sub-fund invests have a financial rating below investment grade.

The sub-fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in equities on an ancillary basis. The holding of shares by this sub-fund is directly linked to the holding of convertible bonds. In the event of conversion, the positions are not systematically sold immediately, but based on market developments.

Where the downgrading of a security in the portfolio would de facto increase the proportion of non-investment grade bonds beyond the permitted 20%, the Investment Manager shall decide to sell the position. However, where market conditions are unfavourable and the immediate sale of the position would not be inthe interests of shareholders, the Investment Manager may temporarily hold the security in the portfolio in order to liquidate it under the best possible conditions. In such circumstances, the maximum investment in non-investment grade bonds may, exceptionally and temporarily, exceed the 20% limit.

The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets will be limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product iscompatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital

Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 3 years.

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and youmay get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 2 out of 7, which is a low risk class.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level, and poor market conditions are very unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risksrelevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance,so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.

Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
1.18 %
3 months
cum. **
2.25 %
1 year
act. **
2.37 %
3 years
act. **
-0.59 %
5 years
act. **
-0.58 %
10 yrs
act. **
0.82 %
since inception
act. **
3.50 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 0,75%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 0,86% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,34%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
ISIN LU0116513721
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
ESG Bonds at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 01.01.2014

The product is a sub-fund of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

This aim of this sub-fund is to generate capital gains for investors by investing a minimum of 80% of its assets in corporate, public, sovereign and supranational bonds regardless of their location and which are selected according to their financial attractiveness and also on the basis of non-financial criteria that meet the SRI (socially responsible investment) requirements of CaW (CapitalatWork). At least 50% of the bonds in which the sub-fund invests have a financial rating of at least investment grade. The sub-fund will invest a minimum of 10% of its assets in green bonds, sustainable bonds, social bonds and/or sustainability-linked bonds.

The sub-fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in equities on an ancillary basis. The holding of shares by this sub-fund is directly linked to the holding of convertible bonds. In the event of conversion, the positions are not systematically sold immediately, but based on market developments.

The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets. The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets will be limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

The manager’s investment strategy is primarily based on a responsible methodology that excludes controversial states, industries and companies, and compare companies based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. This methodology is subject to regular re-evaluation and is available at the following address: The Investment Manager’s use of this methodology does not lead to any specific costs to be borne by the sub-fund or investors.

In relation to Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, the sub-fund encourages environmental and social characteristics in particular. To this end, investment decisions are made on the basis of the companies’ non-financial features, which must meet the SRI (socially responsible investment) requirements of CapitalatWork.

This product considers a selection of indicators to measure adverse impacts on sustainability factors for the sustainable investment component, i.e. green, social and/or sustainable bonds.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Further information on the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the sub-fund can be found in Appendix I. B. of the Prospectus.

No geographical restrictions apply to the sub-fund (with the exception of investments denominated in CNH). The common denominator linking these issuers is that they comply with CAW’s proprietary SRI requirements. The direct or indirect use of indices in any form must also meet CapitalatWork’s proprietary SRI requirements.

The Sub-fund will not engage in securities lending transactions.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 3 years.


Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 3 years. 

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 2 out of 7, which is a low risk class.  This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level, and poor market conditions are very unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you. Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator. This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.


Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
1.18 %
3 months
cum. **
2.25 %
1 year
act. **
4.00 %
3 years
act. **
0.23 %
5 years
act. **
0.45 %
10 yrs
act. **
1.07 %
since inception
act. **
2.06 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 0,75%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 0,86% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,24%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Sustainability related disclosure
Performance fee
ISIN LU0974685322
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing
These financial products (classified as Article 8 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation) promote environmental and social characteristics. They are not classified as Article 9 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation and do not have sustainable investment as their objective.

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
Inflation at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 09.10.2003

The product is a sub-fund of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

The objective of this sub-fund is to offer its investors capital appreciation, mainly through investment in inflation-linked bonds denominated in various currencies. The composition of the Sub-fund’s portfolio takes into account geographical risk diversification requirements.

The sub-fund will primarily invest in inflation-linked bonds of European and US issuers. The Sub-fund may also buy other bonds and bonds of other issuers. It may also invest in any type of fixed income product (e.g. convertibles, reverse convertibles, etc.), if such investments are in the interest of the shareholders given the evolution of market conditions. The sub-fund shall invest up to 49% of its assets in money market instruments (including money market paper), up to one-quarter of its assets in convertible or option bonds, up to 10% of its assets in equities and other securities and participation rights, and up to one-third of its assets in cash at banks (namely sight deposits and term deposits maturing in 12 months).The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets is limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is a distribution unit class.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital, for receiving regular income and who wish to hold their investment over 3 years.


Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 3 years. 

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 3 out of 7, which is a low risk class.  This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level, and poor market conditions are very unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you. Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator. This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.


Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
1.92 %
3 months
cum. **
1.21 %
1 year
act. **
0.67 %
3 years
act. **
0.61 %
5 years
act. **
1.28 %
10 yrs
act. **
0.92 %
since inception
act. **
2.40 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 0,75%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 0,91% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,10%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
ISIN LU0175696946
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
Short Duration at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 17.05.2007

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. 

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time. 

The objective of this sub-fund is to offer its investors consistently high levels of income while maintaining liquidity and investing primarily in money market securities and fixed-rate or floating-rate bonds. The composition of the Sub-fund’s portfolio takes into account geographical risk diversification requirements. Average portfolio duration may not exceed 36 months. The sub-fund may purchase government bonds as well as corporate bonds. It may also invest in any type of fixed income product (e.g. convertibles, reverse convertibles, inflation-linked bonds, etc.), if such investments are in the interest of shareholders given the evolution of market conditions. The sub-fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in equities on an ancillary basis. The holding of shares by this sub-fund is directly linked to the holding of convertible bonds. In the event of conversion, the positions are not systematically sold immediately, but based on market developments. The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management. The holding of such ancillary liquid assets is limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors. The sub-fund may also invest in units or shares of sub-funds of other UCITS or UCIs, including this SICAV, subject to a limit of 10% of its assets. Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances. The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives. The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR. This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units. 

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 3 years.


Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 3 years. 

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less. The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested. We have classified this product as 2 out of 7, which is a low risk class. This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level, and poor market conditions are very unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you. Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator. This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.


Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
0.22 %
3 months
cum. **
1.40 %
1 year
act. **
3.99 %
3 years
act. **
1.78 %
5 years
act. **
0.75 %
10 yrs
act. **
0.52 %
since inception
act. **
1.50 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee 0,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 0,55%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 0,51% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,28%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
ISIN LU0291670288
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund


1 year
3 years
5 years
1 year
3 years
5 years
Balanced - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 04.06.2013

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

This sub-fund shall be composed of fixed-income transferable securities, such as fixed and floating rate bonds, convertible bonds, and variable-income transferable securities, such as equities and warrants on transferable securities, all of these securities being issued by issuers of any nationality and denominated in any currency. The manager’s objective is to maintain a balance between these securities.

Investments in variable income securities may not, in principle, exceed 50% of the net assets of this sub-fund.

The Sub-fund may either invest directly in the fixed or variable income transferable securities described above or indirectly through other UCIs. It may also invest over 10% of its assets in securities to be issued or issued by one or more sub-funds of this SICAV.

The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets will be limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital

Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 4 years.

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and youmay get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this productcompared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product willlose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in thepossibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 3 out of 7, which is a medium-low risk class.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a medium-low level,and poor market conditions are unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risksrelevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance,so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay youwhat is owed, you could lose your entire investment.

Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
1.96 %
3 months
cum. **
3.61 %
1 year
act. **
7.80 %
3 years
act. **
4.35 %
5 years
act. **
5.12 %
10 yrs
act. **
4.62 %
since inception
act. **
5.05 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 1,0%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 1,07% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,20%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
5% on the performance exceeding the annual target rate of return of 2,5 % ("hurdle rate") on the condition that the net asset value of the share class is higher than the net asset value used to calculate the last performance fee ("high watermark"). See details
ISIN LU0617431035
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
Defensive - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 18.05.2011

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

This sub-fund shall consist mainly of fixed-income transferable securities, such as fixed and/or floating rate bonds and convertible bonds, issued by issuers of any nationality and denominated in any currency.

Investments in fixed-income transferable securities may not exceed 50% of the sub-fund’s net assets. Investments in variable income securities, such as equities and warrants on securities, may not in principle exceed 25% of the sub-fund’s net assets.

The Sub-fund may either invest directly in the fixed or variable income transferable securities described above or indirectly through other UCIs. It may also invest over 10% of its assets in securities to be issued or issued by one or more sub-funds of this SICAV.

The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets will be limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 3 years.

Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 3 years.

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 3 out of 7, which is a medium-low risk class.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a medium-low level, and poor market conditions are unlikely to impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.

Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
1.53 %
3 months
cum. **
2.85 %
1 year
act. **
4.90 %
3 years
act. **
2.18 %
5 years
act. **
2.57 %
10 yrs
act. **
2.72 %
since inception
act. **
3.67 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 0,80%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 0.90% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,20%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
5% on the performance exceeding the annual target rate of return of 1.25 % ("hurdle rate") on the conditionthat the net asset value of the share class is higher than the net asset value used to calculate the lastperformance fee ("high watermark"). See details
ISIN LU0617430730
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund
1 year
3 years
5 years
Dynamic - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 18.05.2011

The product is a sub-fund of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg.

The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the Fund at any time.

This sub-fund will mainly be made up of variable income securities, such as equities and warrants on securities, issued by issuers of any nationality, and denominated in any currency.

Investments in these securities may not exceed 75% of the net assets of this sub-fund. The balance may be invested in fixed-income transferable securities such as fixed and floating rate bonds, as well as in convertible bonds, denominated in any currency and issued by issuers of any nationality may not, in principle, exceed 25% of the net assets of this sub-fund.

The Sub-fund may either invest directly in the fixed or variable income transferable securities described above or indirectly through other UCIs. It may also invest over 10% of its assets in securities to be issued or issued by one or more sub-funds of this SICAV.

The sub-fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in contingent convertible bonds.

The sub-fund may use term deposits within the meaning of article 41(1) of the Law of 17 December 2010, up to 20% of its net assets, in order to optimise its cash management.

The holding of such ancillary liquid assets will be limited to 20% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The above-mentioned 20% limit shall only be temporarily breached for a period of time strictly necessary when, because of exceptionally unfavourable market conditions, circumstances so require and where such breach is justified having regard to the interests of the investors.

Assets subject to securities lending transactions are not expected to exceed 30% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. Assets subject to securities lending transactions may not exceed 70% of the sub-fund’s net asset value. This maximum may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The sub-fund is actively managed; Investment Managers can choose the composition of the portfolio but must adhere to the investment policy and objectives.

The investments underlying this sub-fund do not take into account the European Union's criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. This sub-fund has been classified as compliant with article 6 of the SFDR.

This is not a distribution unit class. All income from the Fund’s investments is reinvested and incorporated into the value of your units.

The product is suitable for retail investors with limited knowledge of the underlying financial instruments and no financial industry experience. The product is compatible with investors who may bear capital losses and who do not need capital guarantee. The product is compatible with clients looking for growing their capital and who wish to hold their investment over 5 years.

Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 5 years.

The risk can be significantly different if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less.

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are notable to pay you. The essential risks of the investment fund lie in the possibility of depreciation of the securities in which the fund is invested.

We have classified this product as 4 out of 7, which is a medium risk class.

This rates the potential losses from future performance at a medium level, and poor market conditions could impact our capacity to pay you.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the specific risks relevant to the product not included in the summary risk indicator.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire investment.

Performance* (EUR) as of 05.02.2025

Performance on rolling periods ending at the date mentioned above

1 month
cum. **
2.52 %
3 months
cum. **
4.45 %
1 year
act. **
10.86 %
3 years
act. **
6.47 %
5 years
act. **
7.55 %
10 yrs
act. **
6.31 %
since inception
act. **
7.13 %
Return rates by calendar year

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee Max. 1,00%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses 1,08% the ongoing charges include the management fee
Transaction fee 0,18%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product The Fund is established for an unlimited duration. The Board of Directors may liquidate the fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease trading the fund.
Performance fee
5% on the performance exceeding the annual target rate of return of 3.75 % ("hurdle rate") on the conditionthat the net asset value of the share class is higher than the net asset value used to calculate the last performance fee ("high watermark"). See details
ISIN LU0617431381
Protection against liquidity risk
CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA
Management Company
Lemanik Asset Management SA (Luxembourg)

Disclaimer : The content of this page is an advertising communication. Any investment decision should be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectuses and key information documents (KIDs).
The product is a compartment of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) incorporated as a variable capital investment company (SICAV) under the laws of Luxembourg. The relationship between CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA and the Client is governed by Luxembourg law. You can obtain the most recent Prospectus, the KID and the most recent semi-annual and annual reports of the sub-fund, free of charge, in English, Dutch and French from the depositaries or at Investors may consult a summary of the investors' rights, in English, Dutch and French, on our website. The Dutch-language versions can be found via these links; Summary of investor rights and General Conditions.
The Depositary is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website
Further information about the Company (including the current Prospectus and most recent annual report) is available in english, dutch and french, and information about the fund and other share classes (including the latest prices of shares and translated versions of the KID), are available free of charge on or or by making a written request to Lemanik Asset Management S.A., 106, route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Luxembourg or by emailing

Complaint: In case of a complaint, please send it to "Complaints", 12 Rue Leon Laval – 3372 Leudelange - Luxembourg or by e-mail to In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA to your complaint, we invite you to submit your complaint to the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) via the website:

read about fund

The content of this webpage is an advertisement. Any investment decision must be taken after a thorough reading of the prospectus and the key information document (KID) of each of the sub-funds mentioned, which are available in English, Dutch and French via this page.

Each sub-fund is created for an unlimited period. The SICAV's Board of Directors may liquidate each sub-fund at any time. The management company Lemanik Asset Management SA may at any time cease to commercialise the Fund or any of its sub-funds.

The prospectus of the sub-funds of Capitalatwork Foyer Umbrella, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) constituted as a Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) under Luxembourg law, is available in English, French and Dutch.

The prospectus of the sub-funds of Capitalatwork Equities Plus, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) constituted as a Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) under Belgian law, is available in French, Dutch.

The relationship between CapitalatWork SA and the Client is subject to Belgian law. Further information on this subject is available in French, Dutch and English in our general terms and conditions and in the summary of investors' rights available via