Season's Greetings 2023 We wish you and your family cozy holidays and a prosperous 2023! News 21.12.2022
How do we protect ourselves against persistent inflation? After some very volatile summer months in the financial markets, we are back to where we were in June. At first glance, not much seems to have changed. The two most important risk-free interest rates are again at their highest level since the beginning of the year. The German 10-year government rate is around 2%, […] Financial 21.10.2022
Summer update July 2022 In deze video staan we stil bij wat er tijdens de eerste helft van dit jaar op de financiële markten is gebeurd en vooral wat dit, voor u als belegger, betekent. Vervolgens, naar jaarlijkse gewoonte, geeft onze Chief Investment Officer, Erwin Deseyn, een leestip mee. Een interessant boek dat hij recent heeft gelezen en graag […] Financial 18.07.2022
How risk-free interest rate can determine the valuation of investments? When we make our analyses of the financial markets, the departure point is always the same. We always start from the anchor point for all markets: the risk-free interest rate. It determines the valuation of shares and bonds. Let us look first at the European Central Bank (ECB). At the end of last year, there […] Financial 11.07.2022
Recalibration of our investment strategy In our previous newsletter, we informed you about the recalibration of our strategy following the war in Ukraine: international diversification, protection against inflation and active management. In fact, this meant a continuation of the strategy we had already embarked on in early 2020 when the corona crisis broke out, but with an even stronger conviction […] Financial 01.06.2022
How to protect the assets against inflation for an extended period and from the major economic consequences of the Russian invasion? Exactly two years ago, we were all together in the first general lockdown of our lives. Business almost came to a standstill, and the expectations were that the economic damage would be incalculable. However, the rapid response of both governments (fiscal stimulus) and central bankers (monetary stimulus) ensured that confidence in financial markets was quickly […] Financial 13.04.2022