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Notice - Legal information

The information contained on this site is not in any way intended for those people who come under a jurisdiction where, due to their nationality, their place of residence or for any other reason, publication or access to this information is legally prohibited.

Access to the site automatically assumes the agreement of the user with the information menioned in the topic disclaimer (

For any information about the countries where the funds are registered, it is up to those people accessing the information provided by CapitalatWork Group on this site to refer to the most recent prospectuses, which are also accessible on this site.

The information published on this site cannot be regarded as investment advice.

This site provides information only. Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KIID and financial information thoroughly.

Potential investors are asked to find out from their professional advisers about the content of the laws and regulations which apply to them as regards subscriptions, purchases or sales of financial instruments. It is up to users to use their critical judgment as to how to use the information in the light of their personal situations, being aware that any investment in financial instruments is risky.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. The value of investments can go down as well as up. As a general rule, the performance figures accessible are shown before management fees.

The information on this site may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. It may only be distributed in its entirety or in part following written permission from CapitalatWork Group.

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CapitalatWork Foyer Group

CapitalatWork Foyer Group SA, in her fonction as promotor, has developed a limited but complete and flexible family of investment compartments.

These compartments are the tools to implement the Capitalatwork investment philosophy, based on a consistent and well considered investment methodology, into a transparant investment process.

These compartments cover:

  • most if not all geographies – the Americas, Europe and Asia,
  • the main asset classes – cash, bonds, inflation-linkeds, equities, derivatives and long/shorts,
  • the main asset allocation strategies – defensive, balanced, dynamic, opportunistic and hedged.

The potential results of these sub-funds, and thus the asset management, are due to clear valuation methodology and a very clear investment process.

The key to our success is consistency in its implementation.

CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella



Contrarian Equities at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 01.09.1998
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return in euros on your capital by investing primarily in equities of US and European companies listed or traded on a stock exchange or on another regulated market. These equities are generally neglected by the markets, but offer attractive prospects. To a lesser extent, the Sub-fund also invests its assets in companies from other global regions. The Sub-fund invests on the basis of an analysis of the cash flows of companies while maintaining a diversified allocation of the Sub-fund’s investments. This analysis enables the Sub-fund to identify companies with solid fundamentals and high visibility that are traded on the market at a price that the Sub-fund considers attractive. This means that these companies have significant growth potential. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − The Sub-fund invests in equities that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.87 %
3 months
cum. **
0.65 %
1 year
act. **
9.50 %
3 years
act. **
4.90 %
5 years
act. **
9.41 %
10 yrs
act. **
9.21 %
since inception
act. **
8.94 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 1,15%
Ongoing charges 1,32%
Performance fee 5% of the positive returns the fund realises above an annualreturn of 5%. Any past performances below this target level mustfirst be offset.
Transaction fee 0,13%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption Not taxable
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0090697987

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund
ESG Equities at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 07.02.2018
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return in euros on your capital by investing in a responsible and sustainable manner. The Sub-fund mainly invests in a portfolio of shares in companies adopting a responsible and sustainable approach; there are no geographical restrictions. The manager’s investment strategy is primarily based on a methodology that involves comparing companies in the same sector based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg. SFDR Article 10: Article 10 Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments on websites The following statement is in response to Article 10 from the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or SFDR) regarding the transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments on websites: • As per the point (1.), point (a) and point (b), the description of the environmental or social characteristics as well as the information on the methodologies used to assess, measure and monitor the environmental or social characteristics selected for the financial product, including its data sources, screening criteria for the underlying assets and the relevant sustainability indicators used to measure the environmental or social characteristics or the overall sustainable impact of the financial product is done through the application of the CapitalatWork’s SRI methodology (Socially Responsible Investment) requirements. • As per the point (1.), point (c), the information referred to in Article 8 from SFDR with regards to “Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics in pre‐contractual disclosures” are available within the financial product’s prospectus. • As per the point (1.), point (d), the information referred to in Article 11 from SFDR with regards to “Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments in periodic reports”, it will be made available within the financial product’s annual report when published.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − The Sub-fund invests in equities that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.45 %
3 months
cum. **
1.39 %
1 year
act. **
11.76 %
3 years
act. **
5.53 %
5 years
act. **
10.29 %
10 yrs
act. **
since inception
act. **
9.51 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee 1.00%
Exit fee 0.0%
Management fee 1,15%
Ongoing charges 1,30%
Performance fee 5% of the positive returns the fund realises above an annual return of 5%. Any past performances below this target level must first be offset.
Transaction fee 0,22%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
Sustainability related disclosure

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption Not taxable
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU1667873787

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at
These financial products (classified as Article 8 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation) promote environmental and social characteristics. They are not classified as Article 9 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation and do not have sustainable investment as their objective.

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund

fixed income

Bonds at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 15.09.2000
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return on your capital. The fund will invest primarily in fixed income securities, such as fixed and/or floating rate bonds, convertible bonds, corporate, institutional, sovereign and supranational bonds issued by issuers of any nationality and denominated in any currency. At least 50% of the bonds in which the Fund invests have a financial rating of at least investment grade. The Fund may also invest in units of sub-funds of other UCITS or other UCIs, including this SICAV, but not exceeding 10% of its assets. The Fund’s investment strategy is to use techniques and instruments to hedge certain risks and improve the profitability of the portfolio. These transactions will be carried out within the limits set out in Part A of this Prospectus under the headings “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments” and “Use of Derivatives and Associated Risk Management”. It should be noted, however, that the use of these techniques and instruments is a highly sophisticated activity that may involve higher risks than investing in securities. The Fund may enter into exchange-traded or over-the-counter financial futures or options contracts (derivatives). These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect the value of the portfolio against adverse developments in the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.07 %
3 months
cum. **
0.99 %
1 year
act. **
2.00 %
3 years
act. **
-2.63 %
5 years
act. **
-0.79 %
10 yrs
act. **
1.46 %
since inception
act. **
3.46 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 0,75%
Ongoing charges 0,86%
Performance fee N/A
Transaction fee 0,34%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000 Eur)
ISIN LU0116513721

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund
ESG Bonds at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 01.01.2014
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

"CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return on your capital by investing directly or indirectly (via other funds) in bonds (loans). These bonds are issued by public and private issuers located primarily in a Member State of the OECD. They may be denominated in any currency, and pay fixed or variable interest. They are listed on a stock exchange or traded on another regulated market. The Sub-fund’s investment strategy is based on an analysis of the evolution of the financial situation of governments, companies, inflation, interest rates and the global economic situation. This analysis allows the Sub-fund to assess the capacity of governments or companies to repay their debts while maintaining balanced diversification among the issuers it selects. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg. Recommendation: this Sub-fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their capital in less than three years." SFDR Article 10: Article 10 Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments on websites The following statement is in response to Article 10 from the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or SFDR) regarding the transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments on websites: • As per the point (1.), point (a) and point (b), the description of the environmental or social characteristics as well as the information on the methodologies used to assess, measure and monitor the environmental or social characteristics selected for the financial product, including its data sources, screening criteria for the underlying assets and the relevant sustainability indicators used to measure the environmental or social characteristics or the overall sustainable impact of the financial product is done through the application of the CapitalatWork’s SRI methodology (Socially Responsible Investment) requirements. • As per the point (1.), point (c), the information referred to in Article 8 from SFDR with regards to “Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics in pre‐contractual disclosures” are available within the financial product’s prospectus. • As per the point (1.), point (d), the information referred to in Article 11 from SFDR with regards to “Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments in periodic reports”, it will be made available within the financial product’s annual report when published.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-0.67 %
3 months
cum. **
1.98 %
1 year
act. **
3.13 %
3 years
act. **
-1.18 %
5 years
act. **
0.25 %
10 yrs
act. **
1.44 %
since inception
act. **
1.85 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 0,75%
Ongoing charges 0,86%
Performance fee N/A
Transaction fee 0,24%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
Sustainability related disclosure

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0974685322

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at
These financial products (classified as Article 8 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation) promote environmental and social characteristics. They are not classified as Article 9 as per the SFDR 2019/2088 regulation and do not have sustainable investment as their objective.

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund
Inflation at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 09.10.2003
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return on your capital by investing primarily in bonds (loans) linked to changes in inflation rates and primarily issued by European and US issuers. These bonds are listed on a stock exchange or traded on another regulated market. To a lesser extent, the Sub-fund also invests its assets in bonds of other issuers as well as in cash and money market instruments. The Sub-fund’s investment strategy is based on an analysis of the evolution of the financial situation of issuers, inflation, interest rates and the global economic situation. This analysis allows the Sub-fund to assess the capacity of issuers to repay their debts while maintaining balanced diversification among the issuers it selects. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. − Investing on emerging markets may be associated with risks inherent in political stability, the economic situation and/or the regulatory or tax environment, which may affect the price of the Sub-fund. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.57 %
3 months
cum. **
0.78 %
1 year
act. **
-0.09 %
3 years
act. **
0.30 %
5 years
act. **
0.94 %
10 yrs
act. **
1.26 %
since inception
act. **
2.37 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 0,75%
Ongoing charges 0,91%
Performance fee N/A
Transaction fee 0,10%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0175696946

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund
Short Duration at Work - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 17.05.2007
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims to provide you with a high level of current income while maintaining strong liquidity. To achieve its objective, the Sub-fund invests mainly in money market instruments and fixed income or floating rate bonds. The composition of the sub-fund's portfolio takes into account geographical risk diversification requirements. The average duration of the portfolio must not exceed 36 months.The Sub-fund invests on the basis of an analysis of the key company data using the following criteria: the rating assigned by the rating agencies, cash flows and the time required to redeem the bonds with these flows, the maturity date of bonds issued by the selected companies and the ease with which these bonds can be resold. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
0.34 %
3 months
cum. **
1.06 %
1 year
act. **
3.74 %
3 years
act. **
0.66 %
5 years
act. **
0.24 %
10 yrs
act. **
0.52 %
since inception
act. **
1.39 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee 0,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 0,55%
Ongoing charges 0,51%
Performance fee N/A
Transaction fee 0,28%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0291670288

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

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Balanced - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 04.06.2013
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims to maintain a balance between capital protection and growth. The Sub-fund also maintains a balanced ratio between fixed or floating-ratebonds (loans) issued by governments or companies and equities (50%maximum). This proportion may be achieved either directly or by investing in other investment funds which themselves invest in bonds or equities. Most of the issuers of such equities and bonds listed or traded on another regulated market are located in Europe and the United States. The Sub-fund’s investment strategy is based on an analysis of the expected risk and return by category of instrument, issuer type and geographical area. The Sub-fund then selects the companies with solid fundamentals and high visibility that are traded on the market at a low price that the Sub-fund considers attractive. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg. Recommendation: this Sub-fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their capital in less than four years.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds and equities that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.27 %
3 months
cum. **
0.77 %
1 year
act. **
6.55 %
3 years
act. **
2.54 %
5 years
act. **
5.34 %
10 yrs
act. **
4.98 %
since inception
act. **
4.72 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 1,0%
Ongoing charges 1,07%
Performance fee 5% of the positive returns the fund realize above an annual return of 2,5%. Any past performances below this target level must first be offset.
Transaction fee 0,20%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000 Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0617431035

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

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Defensive - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 18.05.2011
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims to protect your capital from turbulence on the financial markets. The Sub-fund primarily invests in fixed or floating-rate bonds (loans) issued by governments or companies. A smaller portion (25% maximum) of the Sub-fund’s assets is invested in equities. This proportion may be achieved either directly or by investing in other investment funds which themselves invest in bonds or equities. Most of the issuers of such bonds and equities listed or traded on another regulated market are located in a member state of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). The Sub-fund’s investment strategy is based on an analysis of the expected risk and return by category of instrument, issuer type and geographical area. The Sub-fund then selects the companies with solid fundamentals and high visibility that are traded on the market at a price that the Sub-fund considers attractive. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg. Recommendation: this Sub-fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their capital in less than three years.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds and equities that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.21 %
3 months
cum. **
0.92 %
1 year
act. **
4.10 %
3 years
act. **
0.57 %
5 years
act. **
2.57 %
10 yrs
act. **
3.10 %
since inception
act. **
3.47 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 0,80%
Ongoing charges 0.90%
Performance fee 5% of the positive returns the fund realize above an annual return of 1,25%. Any past performances below this target level must first be offset.
Transaction fee 0,20%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0617430730

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund
Dynamic - Capitalisation
read about fund
Started on 18.05.2011
Lower risk
Generally lower rewards
Higher risk
Generally higher rewards

CapitalatWork Foyer Group S.A.and CapitalatWork SA co-manage the portfolio of this Sub-fund. The Sub-fund aims for a positive return in euros on your capital by investing primarily in equities of companies (maximum of 75%). To a lesser extent, Sub-fund assets are also invested in fixed or floating-rate bonds (loans). This proportion may be achieved either directly or by investing in other investment funds which themselves invest in equities or bonds. Most of the issuers of such equities and bonds listed or traded on another regulated market are located in Europe and the United States. The Sub-fund’s investment strategy is based on an analysis of the expected risk and return by category of instrument, issuer type and geographical area. The Sub-fund then selects the companies with solid fundamentals and high visibility that are traded on the market at a price that the Sub-fund considers attractive. The Sub-fund may enter into fixed-term or optional-term financial contracts (derivatives) listed on an exchange or traded over the counter. These contracts are used both to optimise portfolio management and to protect its value against adverse movements on the financial markets. This class of shares does not distribute any income. You can buy and sell shares of this class every bank business day in Luxembourg. Recommendation: this Sub-fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their capital in less than five years.

The following risks may also be significant for the Sub-fund: − Bond issuers may not meet their payment obligations. The Sub-fund mitigates this risk through in-depth analysis of the financial situation of the issuers in which it invests. The Sub-fund also monitors changes to their independent rating. − The Sub-fund invests in bonds and equities that can easily be sold under normal market conditions. Exceptional circumstances may result in situations in which they would be sold at a loss to you. Further details about the risks you may incur by investing in this Sub-fund can be found in the sections “Risk Hedging and Use of Financial Instruments”, “Use of Derivatives and Management of Associated Risks” and “The Sub-funds of the SICAV” in the prospectus.

Performance* (EUR) as of 24.07.2024
1 month
cum. **
-1.38 %
3 months
cum. **
0.76 %
1 year
act. **
8.82 %
3 years
act. **
4.26 %
5 years
act. **
7.83 %
10 yrs
act. **
6.65 %
since inception
act. **
6.73 %
Calendar Year Returns %

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All charges and management fees are included in the calculation of the historic performances with the exception of entry, probable exit costs and the tax.

*source : CapitalatWork Management Company
**cum. : cumulative / act. : actuarially
Minimal investment 1 share
Entry fee Max. 1,00%
Exit fee 0,00%
Management fee 1,00%
Ongoing charges 1,08%
Performance fee 5% of the positive returns the fund realize above an annual return of 3,75%. Any past performances below this target level must first be offset.
Transaction fee 0,18%
Conservation of securities The conservation of Sicavs of CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is for free when holding an account at CapitalatWork
Duration of the product Unlimited
KIDAnnual reportSemi annual reportStatutesProspectus

* Important Any decision to invest must be made after reading the most recent prospectuses, KID and financial information thoroughly.
Belgian witholding tax on dividends N/A
Belgian savings tax on EU redemption 30%* (* If the compartment is invested for over 10% in debt instruments, capital gains realised in fixed income will be taxed at a 30% rate.)
Stock exchange tax in case of redemption or switch of sub-fund 1,32% (Max. 4000Eur)

Morningstar** Rating

ISIN LU0617431381

** More information on the Morningstar ratings and/or categories is available in this document or from the organisation in charge of the financial service delivery (article 43 § 1st KB from 12/11/2012).

Disclaimer : This sub-fund of the Luxembourg open-ended investment company CapitalatWork Foyer Umbrella is available in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The depositary of this compartment is CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
The net asset value of the different sub-funds are published through various sources, including De Tijd and L'Echo in Belgium, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, Wort in Luxembourg and are also found on our website You can obtain the prospectus, KID and the latest semi-annual and annual reports of the fund in French, English or Dutch, free of charge, from the depositary or at

In case of a complaint, please contact our Compliance Team. Contact details are available on
In case you disagree with the answer given by CapitalatWork to your complaint, and as far you are not classified as a professional investor, we invite you to submit your complaint to the mediation service with following coordinates “Service de Mediation Banques Credit Placements”, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles” (Internet site : and e-mail adress : The mediation service can propose solutions to end the dispute.

read about fund